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See this online text:

  • “Holiness and Ordinary Life in the Teaching of Saint Josémaría Escrivá”, by Prof. William E. May, Ph.D. (Version: 28th June 2003; Copyright ©; William E. May 2003). May be read online on this page through the William E. May Home Page at the Christendom Awake Website.
    • N.B., Footnote 1 of the text states: “This paper was first given at a conference in Rome in 1993 to commemorate the beatification of Josémaría Escrivá (now Saint Josémaría), and published in Santità e Mondo: Atti del Convegno teologico di studio sugli insegnamenti del beato Josemaría Escrivá (Roma, 1-14 ottobre 1993), ed. Manuel Belda et al… Here I have updated references, in particular calling attention to relevant sections of Pope John Paul II’s encyclical Veritatis splendor.”

See also the texts listed on the posts ‘Online ebook: “Conversations with Monsignor Escriva De Balaguer”‘ and ‘Online text: “Professional Ethics and Sanctification of Work”, by Carlos Llano Cifuentes‘; as well as:

  • Letter “About Some Characteristics of the Spirit of Opus Dei”, by Saint Josemaria Escriva, 11 March 1940 (© Original – Scriptor S.A. (Madrid) © Translation – Fundación Studium (Madrid) © This edition, Notes and Index – Scepter (U.K.) Ltd.). Available in pdf format on this page of Opus Dei.
  • “The Message of St. Josemaría: Particularly Relevant Ideas for Today’s Society”, by Prof. Fr. Martin Rhonheimer, Ph.D. Available in pdf format on this page of the St. Josemaria Institute.
    • N.B., The text states that: “The following article was… presented at the Corporate Communication Professional Development Seminar, Pontifical University of the Holy Cross, on March 2, 2007.”

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