

I. General Theology

  1. Summa Contra Gentiles, by Saint Thomas Aquinas, translated by the English Dominican Fathers (London: Burns Oates & Washbourne, [NB, The source information states: New York: Benzinger Brothers], 1924). With Imprimatur. Available online at Saint Wiki.
  2. The Summa Contra Gentiles, or On the Truth of the Catholic Faith, by St. Thomas Aquinas, translated by Anton C. Pegis,  James F. Anderson, Vernon J. Bourke, and Charles J. O’Neil (New York: Hanover House, 1955-57). Edited, with English, especially Scriptural references, updated by Joseph Kenny, O.P.  Available at the website of the Dominican House of Studies, Priory of the Immaculate Conception. Parallel texts in Latin and English available at the website of Joseph Kenny.
  3. The Summa Theologica [or Summa Theologiae, or Summation of Theology], by St. Thomas Aquinas, translated by the Fathers of the English Dominican Province (Second and Revised Edition, 1920). With Imprimatur. May be read on New Advent, with active links to relevant Scriptural passages and Catholic Encyclopedia articles. Another edition (Benziger Bros., 1947) is available on Catholic Primer and at the website of the Dominican House of Studies, Priory of the Immaculate Conception. The Logic Museum contains parallel Latin and English texts, the latter from the Dominican translation.

II. Meta-Theology

Theological Method

  1. A Manual of Catholic Theology; based on Scheeben’s “Dogmatik,” Volume 1, 4th ed., revised, by Joseph Wilhelm, D.D., Ph.D. and Thomas B. Scannell, D.D., with a preface by Cardinal Manning (London: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trübner & Co.; New York, Cincinnati, Chicago: Benziger Brothers, 1908). Based on the Dogmatik of Matthias Joseph Scheeben. Available in various formats (pdf, djvu, epub, Kindle/mobi, Daisy, text) and may be read online at Internet Archive and Open Library, which incorrectly labels it as Volume 2. [Pages 1-153, Book I, of the text provides a treatise on divine revelation and theological method.]
  2. The Method of Theology, by Eudoxe Irénée Edouard Mignot, Archbishop of Albi (London: Catholic Truth Society, 1902). Available at Internet Archive and Open Library [According to the translator, this was the address delivered by the Archbishop Mignot at the opening of the Institut Catholique or the Catholic University of Toulouse.]

Theology and Philosophy

See the page Philosophy.

Fundamental Theology

See the pages Revelation and Faith and Apologetics.

  1. Against Heresies [Or, Refutation and Overthrow of Knowledge falsely so-called ], by St. Irenaeus of Lyons (c.180 AD), trans. Alexander Roberts and William Rambaut; from Ante-Nicene Fathers, Vol. 1, eds. Alexander Roberts, James Donaldson, and A. Cleveland Coxe (Buffalo, NY: Christian Literature Publishing Co., 1885). Available on New Advent (rev. and ed. Kevin Knight), with active links to relevant Catholic Encyclopedia articles and Scripture passages; and on The Augustine Club. On Apologetics, Salvation, Heresy, Cosmology, Gnosticism, Divine Revelation, Bishops, Roman Primacy, Tradition, Sacraments, etc. [NB, A defense of Christianity against Gnosticism, which also shows that the early Church had a Catholic view of sacramental grace, the Roman primacy, the bishops as successors of the apostles, etc. Books I and II are somewhat difficult, so it may be better to start with Book III, which begins the summary of Christian teaching.]
  2. *An Essay on the Development of Christian Doctrine, by John Henry Newman, 6th ed. (1878), is available in multiple formats at and Project Gutenberg, and may be read online at Newman Reader and Cambridge Books Online. The 7th edition (1890) is available in multiple formats here at Internet Archive with a second copy here and at Open Library with a second copy here. The audiobook is available at Sonitus Sanctus.
  3. Christian Apologetics: A Defense of the Catholic Faith, by Walter Devivier, edited by Sebastian Gebhard Messmer (New York, Cincinnati, Chicago: Benziger Brothers, [c1903]). With Imprimatur. Available at Open Library and Internet Archive; with selected excerpts available at Catholic Tradition.
  4. Christian Apologetics: A Rational Exposition and Defense of the Catholic Religion, in 2 volumes, by the Rev. Walter Devivier, S.J., translated from the original French, edited and augmented by the Rev. Joseph C. Sasia, S.J. (New York: Joseph F. Wagner; London: B. Herder, 1924). With Imprimatur and the approbation of the Holy See. The 2 volumes are available at HathiTrust and at Internet Archive: Volume 1 and Volume 2.
  5. The True Religion: Being the Grounds of the Catholic Faith, by Rev. E.C. [Ernest Charles] Messenger (London: Catholic Truth Society, 1915). With Imprimatur. Available at Internet Archive.

Biblical Theology

See the page Bibles and Commentaries.

  1. The Bible and the Rule of Faith, by Abbe Louis Nazaire Bégin, translated by G.M. Ward (London, Burns and Oates; Quebec: John Barrow, 1875). With Imprimatur. Available in various formats at Internet Archive and Open Library.

III. Dogmatic Theology

General Dogmatic Theology

  1. God and Man: Lectures on Dogmatic Theology, authorized translation from the French of the Rev. L.Labauche, S.S. (New York: P.J. Kenedy & Sons, 1916/1917). In 2 volumes.Volume 1, God, and Volume 2, Man, are available at the HathiTrust Digital Library. Volume 1, God, may be read online, and is available in pdf, mobi, epub, and other formats, at Internet Archive, with a 2nd copy at Internet Archive. Volume 2, Man, may be read online, and is available in pdf, mobi, epub, and other formats, at Internet Archive, with a 2nd copy at Internet Archive. It is also available at Google Books, with a 2nd copy at Google Books, and at the HathiTrust Digital Library.


See the page God and Christ.

  1. [Against the Errors of the Greeks] Contra Errores Graecorum, by St. Thomas Aquinas, O.P., translated by Peter Damian Fehlner, F.I., re-edited and missing chapters supplied by Joseph Kenny, O.P. May be read online at DHS Priory of the Immaculate Conception.
  2. Christian Apologetics: A Defense of the Catholic Faith, by Walter Devivier, edited by Sebastian Gebhard Messmer (New York, Cincinnati, Chicago: Benziger Brothers, [c1903]). With Imprimatur. Available at Open Library and Internet Archive; with selected excerpts available at Catholic Tradition.
  3. Christian Apologetics: A Rational Exposition and Defense of the Catholic Religion, in 2 volumes, by the Rev. Walter Devivier, S.J., translated from the original French, edited and augmented by the Rev. Joseph C. Sasia, S.J. (New York: Joseph F. Wagner; London: B. Herder, 1924). With Imprimatur and the approbation of the Holy See. The 2 volumes are available at HathiTrust and at Internet Archive: Volume 1 and Volume 2.
  4. A Manual of Catholic Theology; based on Scheeben’s “Dogmatik,” Volume 1, 4th ed., revised, by Joseph Wilhelm, D.D., Ph.D. and Thomas B. Scannell, D.D., with a preface by Cardinal Manning (London: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trübner & Co.; New York, Cincinnati, Chicago: Benziger Brothers, 1908). Based on the Dogmatik of Matthias Joseph Scheeben. Available in various formats (pdf, djvu, epub, Kindle/mobi, text) and may be read online at Internet Archive and Open Library, which incorrectly labels it as Volume 2. [N.B., Book I, pages 1-153 of the text, provides a treatise on divine revelation and theological method; Book II, beginning on pages 158, is treatise on the Triune God; Book III, beginning on page 358, treats of creation and the supernatural order.]


  • A Manual of Catholic Theology; based on Scheeben’s “Dogmatik,” Volume 1, 4th ed., revised, by Joseph Wilhelm, D.D., Ph.D. and Thomas B. Scannell, D.D., with a preface by Cardinal Manning (London: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trübner & Co.; New York, Cincinnati, Chicago: Benziger Brothers, 1908). Based on the Dogmatik of Matthias Joseph Scheeben. Available in various formats (pdf, djvu, epub, Kindle/mobi, text) and may be read online at Internet Archive and Open Library, which incorrectly labels it as Volume 2. [N.B., Book I, pages 1-153 of the text, provides a treatise on divine revelation and theological method; Book II, beginning on pages 158, is treatise on the Triune God; Book III, beginning on page 358, treats of creation and the supernatural order.]


See the page Humanity and Human Life.


See the page God and Christ.

  1. Why God Became Man (Cur Deus Homo), by St. Anselm of Canterbury. Both the English and the Latin text may be downloaded in PDF format through the Saints’ Books index.


See the page Grace and Salvation.

  1. The Call of All Nations (De Vocatione Omnium Gentium) [450 AD], by St. Prosper of Aquitaine, translated and annotated by Dr. P. de Letter, S.J. (Westminster, Maryland: Newman Press; London: Longmans, Green and Co., 1952). Ancient Christian Writers: Works of the Fathers in Translation (edited by Johannes Quasten and Joseph C. Plumpe), No. 14. The book may be purchased at AbeBooks (Paulist Press, 1952) and (Paulist Press, 1978).

Sacramental Theology

See the page Sacraments.

  1. A Treatise on Indulgences, by Jean Baptiste Bouvier, translated and with a preface by Rev. Frederick Oakeley (London : James Burns, 1848) Available in various formats at Open Library and, in fewer formats, at Internet Archive (Digitizing sponsor: National Institute for Newman Studies, Book contributor: Saint Mary’s College of California) [N.B., No Imprimatur, but quite orthodox].


See the page Church and Ecclesiology.


See the page Saints, Especially Mary.


See the page Saints, Especially Mary.


See the page Death and Life Everlasting.

IV. Moral Theology

Moral Theology in General

See the page Ethics and Moral Law.

  1. The Way of the Lord Jesus. Volume 1, Christian Moral Principles, by Germain Grisez. Available at The Way of the Lord Jesus, with a general overview here.
  2. The Way of the Lord Jesus. Volume 2, Living a Christian Life, by Germain Grisez. Available at The Way of the Lord Jesus, with a general overview here.
  3. The Way of the Lord Jesus. Volume 3, Difficult Moral Questions, by Germain Grisez. Available at The Way of the Lord Jesus, with a general overview here.

General Ethics


See the pages Humanity and Human Life and Ethics and Moral Law.

  1. Abortion: The Myths, the Realities, and the Arguments, by Germain Grisez (New York, Cleveland: Corpus Books, 1970). Available in PDF format at The Way of the Lord Jesus (copyright 2009). [N.B., The book provides a history and summary of the abortion issue. The webpage states: “Because Grisez… published it before Roe v. Wade, much of its content is out of date… However, some parts of this book remain relevant and sound, and careful readers may find them useful.”]

Marriage, Family, and Chastity

See the page Marriage and the Family.

Social Doctrine

See the page Social Teaching.

V. Applied Theology

Spiritual and Mystical Theology

See the page Mysticism and Spiritual Theology.

Theology of Prayer

See the page Prayers and Devotions.

Pastoral Theology

See the page Homiletics and Pastoral Theology.

Theology of Catechesis & Education

See the page Catechisms and Explanations of The Faith

VI. Theological History

History of Theology

History of Dogma

  1. *An Essay on the Development of Christian Doctrine, by John Henry Newman, 6th ed. (1878), is available in multiple formats at and Project Gutenberg, and may be read online at Newman Reader and Cambridge Books Online. The 7th edition (1890) is available in multiple formats here at Internet Archive with a second copy here and at Open Library with a second copy here. The audiobook is available at Sonitus Sanctus.
  2. A Manual of the History of Dogmas, Volume 1: The Development of Dogmas during the Patristic Age, 100-869, Third Edition, by Bernard John Otten (St. Louis, London: B. Herder, 1922). With Imprimatur. Available at Internet Archive and Internet Archive (2nd copy).
  3. A Manual of the History of Dogmas, Volume 2: The Development of Dogmas during the Middle Ages and After, 869-1907, by Bernard John Otten (St. Louis, London: B. Herder, 1918). With Imprimatur. Available at Internet Archive and Open Library

VII. Laws governing Theologians

  1. Ad Tuendam Fidem: Apostolic Letter Motu Proprio, by which certain norms are inserted into the Code of Canon Law and into the Code of Canons of the Eastern Churches, by Pope John Paul II, May 28, 1998. From L’Osservatore Romano, Weekly Edition in English, 15 July 1998, 1. May be read online at the EWTN Library. [N.B. The Letter promulgates “new norms which expressly impose the obligation of upholding truths proposed in a definitive way by the Magisterium of the Church, and which also establish related canonical sanctions.”]

For Sorting:

  1. Art and Scholasticism, by Jacques Maritain, Translated by Joseph W. Evans. May be read online at Jacques Maritain Center. Art, Aesthetics, Philosophy, Theology.
  2. Cabinet of Catholic Information: a collection of lectures and writings of eminent prelates and priests of the Catholic Church in America and Europe including Cardinal Gibbons, Cardinal Manning, Cardinal Ferrata, Archbishop Ryan [et al.] ; embellished with colored and half-tone engravings reproduced for this work from the paintings of the great masters of the world, edited by Charles Henry Bowden (Buffalo, N.Y: Duggan Pub. Co., 1904). Available at Internet Archive and Open Library. Includes a “Simple dictionary for Catholics” at the end.
  3. Cases of Conscience for English-speaking Countries, Volume I, by Thomas Slater, S.J (New York, Cincinnati, Chicago: Benziger Brothers, 1911). With Imprimatur. Available in various formats at Internet Archive and  Open Library, [N.B., The OL index page incorrectly displays the image of Volume II.], with a second copy at Internet Archive.
  4. Cases of Conscience for English-speaking Countries, Volume II, by Thomas Slater, S.J.  (New York, Cincinnati, Chicago: Benziger Brothers, 1912). With Imprimatur. Available in various formats at Internet Archive, Internet Archive, and Open Library.
  5. Catechism of the Catholic Church, following the 1997 editio typica. May be read on the Saint Charles Borromeo Catholic Church website, with desktop and mobile formats and search engine; the Knights of Columbus website, with search engine; website of the Holy See; and the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops website.
  6. Catena Aurea or, A Golden Chain of Evidences Demonstrating from “Analytical Treatment of History,” that Papal Infallibility is No Novelty; a memorial of the Papal jubilee, June 16, 1871 to honor the “Annos Petri completos” of our Holy Father, Pope Pius the Great,by an Old Catholic (Perry County, Ohio: St. Joseph’s College, 1871).  Available in various formats at Open Library and Internet Archive. [N.B., While author refers to himself as an “Old Catholic”, this appears to be an ironic use of the term, since the work sets out to refute the thesis of Dollinger and the “Old Catholic” sect. The work is therefore orthodox. However, please exercise caution in view of certain statements tending to anti-Semitism.]
  7. “Catholic Theology in the Thirteenth Century and the Origins of Secularism”, Rik Van Nieuwenhove, Irish Quarterly, vol. 75 no. 4, pp. 339-354 (November 2010). May be read or downloaded in PDF format at SAGE Journals.
  8. A Christian apology: Volume 1, God and Nature, by Paul Schanz, translated by Michael F. Glancey and Victor J. Schobel (Ratisbon, Rome, New York, Cincinnati: Frederick Pustet & Co., 1891). Available in various formats at Open Library and Internet Archive.
  9. A Christian apology: Volume 2, God and Revelation, by Paul Schanz, translated by Michael F. Glancey and Victor J. Schobel (Ratisbon, Rome, New York, Cincinnati: Frederick Pustet & Co., 1891). Available in various formats at Internet Archive, with a second copy here.
  10. A Christian apology: Volume 3, The Church, by Paul Schanz, translated by Michael F. Glancey and Victor J. Schobel (Ratisbon, Rome, New York, Cincinnati: Frederick Pustet & Co., 1891). Available in various formats at Open Library and Internet Archive.
  11. The Catholic Doctrine of Grace, by George Hayward Joyce (London : Burns Oates & Washbourne, 1920). With Imprimatur. Available at Open Library and Internet Archive (Digitizing sponsor: University of Toronto, Book contributor: Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies, University of Toronto)
  12. The Catholic Encyclopedia, edited by Charles G. Herbermann, Ph.D., LL.D., Edward A. Pace, Ph.D., D.D., and Conde B Pallen, Ph.D., LL.D. (New York: Robert Appleton Company, 1917). With Imprimatur. May be read online at New Advent (copyright Kevin Knight 2009), with active links to other relevant articles and to relevant Bible passages; at Catholicity; and at Wikisource.
  13. Catholic Moral Teaching and its Antagonists Viewed in the Light of Principle and of Contemporaneous History, by Joseph Mausbach, translated from the 6th edition by Anna M. Buchanan (New York: J. F. Wagner, 1914). With Imprimatur. Available on Open Library and Internet Archive (Digitizing sponsor: MSN; Book contributor: Kelly Library, University of Toronto).
  14. The chair of Peter or the Papacy: considered in its institution, development, and organization, and in the benefits which, for over eighteen centuries, it has conferred on mankind, by Murphy, John Nicholas (London : Burns & Oates, 1888). Available at Internet Archive.
  15. The chief points of difference between the Catholic and Protestant creeds, by F. Laun. (New York: J. F. Wagner, 1915). With Imprimatur. May be read online or downloaded in multiple formats at Open Library.
  16. Christ and the Church, by Pope Benedict XVI (General Audiences 2006 to 2011). May be read online at the EWTN Library. This provides a collection of the teaching addresses of Pope Benedict on Christ and the Church, Apostolic Tradition, and the lives and works of Catholic teachers from the founding of the Church to modern times, including the Apostles, the Eastern and Western Fathers, and the Scholastics.
  17. The Christ of Faith: The Christology of the Church, by Karl Adam (Pantheon Books, 1957). The printed book may be purchased at
  18. Christ, the One Master of All, Sermon by St. Bonaventure of Bagnoregio. Translated from the Quaracchi Edition of the Opera Omnia S. Bonaventurae, Vol. V, 1891, pp. 567-574, with original notes. Latin-English text available at Franciscan Archive.
  19. Christian Spirituality in the Catholic Tradition, by Jordan Aumann, O.P. (San Francisco: Ignatius Press; London: Sheed & Ward, 1985, reprinted by Wipf and Stock Publishers, Eugene, Or.). With Imprimatur. May be purchased on this page of Ignatius Press, at Barnes & Noble, and at; and an edition printed by Continuum may be purchased at Bloomsbury. A section entitled “St. Dominic and the Friars Preachers” may be read online at Ignatius Insight.
  20. The City of God, by Saint Augustine, translated by Marcus Dods. Available at Saint Wiki.
  21. Commentaries on the Four Books of Sentences of Master Peter Lombard (Commentaria in Quatuor Libros Sententiarum), by St. Bonaventure of Bagnoregio. Available at Franciscan Archive (published as part of The Commentary Project).
  22. Commentary on Boethius’ “On the Trinity” (Super Boethium De Trinitate), by St. Thomas Aquinas (c. 1250s). Questions 1-4, translated by Rose E. Brennan, S.H.N. (Herder, 1946). Questions 5-6, translated by Armand Mauer (Toronto, 1953). May be read online at the website of the Dominican House of Studies, Priory of the Immaculate Conception. Also available at the Logic Museum, which contains parallel Latin and English texts.
  23. Commentary on the Psalms, by St. Thomas Aquinas, translated by Stephen Loughlin, Gregory Sadler, et al. Commentaries on Psalms 1-54 are indexed at the Aquinas Translation Project.
  24. Commentary on The Sentences of Peter Lombard, by St. Thomas Aquinas. Excerpt (Latin-English parallel texts) available on this page of the home page of Hugh McDonald. Various translated excerpts are indexed on the Aquinas Translation Project.
  25. Commonitory, For the Antiquity and Universality of the Catholic Faith Against the Profane Novelties of All Heresies, by St. Vincent of Lerins, died c. 450 AD. Available at New Advent.
  26. Communio: International Catholic Review, vol. 38, no. 3, Ecclesiam Apostolicam (Fall 2011). Indexed at Communio, from which “The Infallibility of the Church: A Marian Mystery” by Roch Kereszty may be downloaded in PDF format.
  27. Communion and Stewardship: Human Persons Created in the Image of God, by the International Theological Commission (2004). Available on the website of the Holy See and on Evangelical Catholic Apologetics.
  28. [Conferences on the Seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit] Collationes de Septem Donis S. Sancti, by St. Bonaventure of Bagnoregio, Doctor of the Church. Available through Franciscan Archive (Index of St. Bonaventure’s works): 1st Conference on grace, 2nd Conference on fear of the Lord, 3rd Conference on piety, 4th Conference, on knowledge, 5th Conference on fortitude, 6th Conference on the fortitude of Mary, 7th Conference on counsel, 8th Conference on understanding, 9th Conference on wisdom.
  29. “Contraception and the Infallibility of the Ordinary Magisterium,” by Germain Grisez and John C. Ford, S.J., Theological Studies, 39 (1978): 258–312. Available in PDF format at The Way of the Lord Jesus (copyright 2009).
  30. Contraception and the Natural Law, by Germain Grisez (Milwaukee: Bruce, 1965). Available in PDF format at The Way of the Lord Jesus (copyright 2009).
  31. Decree of Approval of some theses contained in the Doctrine of St. Thomas Aquinas and proposed to the Teachers of Philosophy, by the Sacred Congregation of Studies, translated from Latin by Hugh McDonald. Latin-English text available on this page of the home page of Hugh McDonald.
  32. Decrees of the Ecumenical Councils, ed. Norman P. Tanner. Available, with summaries of each council, at Catechetics Online.
  33. Doctrinal Commentary on the Concluding Formula of the Professio Fidei, by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. May be read online at EWTN Library, which states “This commentary was issued coincident with the promulgation of “Ad tuendam fidem” by Pope John Paul II, modifying the Oriental and Latin codes of canon law.”
  34. Documents of the Council of Trent. Available at the Catholic Community Forum.
  35. Dogmatic Theology I. God: His Knowability, Essence, and Attributes, a dogmatic treatise, prefaced by a brief general introduction to the study of dogmatic theology, by Joseph Pohle, translated by Arthur Preuss. St. Louis: Herder. 1916. With Imprimatur. Available in multiple formats on Internet archive and Open LibraryOpen Library and Internet Archive, (Digitizing sponsor: MSN, Book contributor: Robarts – University of Toronto) as of 12 February 2012
  36. Dogmatic theology II. The Divine Trinity, a dogmatic treatise Pohle, Joseph, translated by Arthur Preuss. St. Louis: Herder, 1916. With Imprimatur. Available in multiple formats at Internet archive (Digitizing sponsor: MSN, Book contributor: Kelly – University of Toronto) as of February 12, 2012. The 1912 edition is also available at Internet Archive and Open Library (Digitizing sponsor: Google, Book from the collections of: New York Public Library)
  37. Dogmatic theology III. God: The Author of Nature and the Supernatural, a dogmatic treatise, by Joseph Pohle, translated by Arthur Preuss. St. Louis : Herder, 1916. Imprimatur. Available at Internet Archive (Digitizing sponsor: MSN, Book contributor: Kelly Library, University of Toronto). The 1912 edition with Imprimatur is also available at Open Library and Internet archive(Digitizing sponsor: MSN, Book contributor: Robarts – University of Toronto)
  38. Dogmatic theology IV. Christology: a dogmatic treatise on the Incarnation, by Joseph Pohle, translated by Arthur Preuss (St. Louis: Herder, 1916). With Imprimatur. Available at Open Library and Internet Archive (Digitizing sponsor: MSN, Book contributor: Kelly Library, University of Toronto). The 1913 2nd edition with Imprimatur is also available on Open Library and Internet Archive (Digitizing sponsor: MSN, Book contributor: Kelly Library, University of Toronto)
  39. Dogmatic Theology V. Soteriology: a dogmatic treatise on the redemption, by Joseph Pohle, translated by Arthur Preuss (St. Louis, Mo. : Herder, c1913). With Imprimatur. Available on Open Library and Internet Archive (Digitizing sponsor: MSN, Book contributor: Kelly Library, University of Toronto).
  40. Dogmatic Theology VI. Mariology; a dogmatic treatise on the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of God, by Joseph Pohle, translated by Arthur Preuss (St. Louis, Mo.: Herder, 1914). With Imprimatur. Available on Open Library and Internet Archive (Digitizing sponsor: Boston Library Consortium Member Libraries, Book contributor: Wellesley College Library). 1919 edition with Imprimatur also available on Open Library and Internet Archive (Digitizing sponsor: MSN, Book contributor: Kelly – University of Toronto)
  41. Dogmatic Theology VII. Grace, actual and habitual: a dogmatic treatise, by Joseph Pohle, translated by Arthur Preuss (St. Louis, Mo.: Herder, 1919). With Imprimatur. Available in PDF, Full Text and DjVu at Internet Archive (Book contributor: University of Toronto). Another copy of the 1919 edition with Imprimatur is available in PDF, Full text, and EPUB formats at Internet Archive and Project Gutenberg (Book contributor: Project Gutenberg). [NB, These are the best PDF copies online]. Still another copy of the 1919 edition is available in mutiplie formats at Open Library and Internet Archive (Digitizing sponsor: MSN, Book contributor: Kelly Library, University of Toronto). The 1915 edition with Imprimatur is available in various formats at Open Library and Internet Archive (Digitizing sponsor: MSN, Book contributor: New York Public Library).
  42. Dogmatic Theology VIII. The sacraments: a dogmatic treatise. Vol 1. The Sacraments in General, Baptism, Confirmation, by Joseph Pohle, translated by Arthur Preuss (St. Louis, Mo.: B. Herder, 1917) With Imprimatur. Available on multiple formats at Open Library and Internet Archive (Digitizing sponsor: MSN, Book contributor: Regis Library, University of Toronto).
  43. Dogmatic Theology IX. The sacraments: a dogmatic treatise. Volume II, The Holy Eucharist, by Joseph Pohle, translated by Arthur Preuss (St. Louis, Mo.: B. Herder, 1915) With Imprimatur. Available on multiple formats at Open Library and Internet Archive (Digitizing sponsor: MSN, Book contributor: Kelly Library, University of Toronto).
  44. Dogmatic Theology X. The sacraments: a dogmatic treatise. Vol. III, Penance, by Joseph Pohle, translated by Arthur Preuss (St. Louis, Mo.: B. Herder, 1915). With Imprimatur. Available on multiple formats at Open Library and Internet Archive (Digitizing sponsor: MSN, Book contributor: New York Public Library).
  45. Dogmatic Theology XI. The sacraments: a dogmatic treatise, Vol. IV, Extreme Unction, Holy Orders, Matrimony, by Joseph Pohle, translated by Arthur Preuss (St. Louis, Mo.: B. Herder, 1915). With Imprimatur. Available on multiple formats at Open Library and Internet Archive (Digitizing sponsor: MSN, Book contributor: New York Public Library).
  46. Dogmatic Theology XII. Eschatology: or, The Catholic doctrine of the last things: a dogmatic treatise, by Joseph Pohle, translated by Arthur Preuss (St. Louis, Mo.: B. Herder, 1918, c1917) With Imprimatur. Available on multiple formats at Internet Archive and Open Library (Digitizing sponsor: MSN, Book contributor: Kelly Library, University of Toronto).
  47. Enchiridion on Faith, Hope and Love, by St Augustine, 354-430 AD, Father and Doctor of the Church. Available on Catholic Treasury.  May be downloaded in PDF format through the Saints’ Books index,
  48. Epiphany: a Theological Introduction to Catholicism, by Aidan Nichols O.P. (1996). May be read online at Christendom Awake. (The webpage states: “Copyright ©; 1996 by The Order of St. Benedict, Inc., Collegeville, Minnesota. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping, or any retrieval system, without the written permission of The Liturgical Press, Collegeville, Minnesota 56321”)
  49. An Essay on the Development of Christian Doctrine, John Henry Newman. May be read online on Newman Reader. (electronic copyright, The National Institute for Newman Studies, 2007). On Fundamental Theology, Revelation, Tradition, Ecclesiology.
  50. An Essay in aid of a Grammar of Assent, by Blessed John Henry Newman. On  Dogmatic Theology, Faith. May be read online on Newman Reader (The National Institute for Newman Studies, 2007).
  51. Eucharist, by Rev. Dr. Thomas Paniker. Available in DOC format at Internet Archive and Internet Archive (2nd copy). [N.B. Described as “Theology of Eucharist with special reference to Syriac Tradition”. Divided into 3 sections: “The Real Presence of the Glorified Christ”, “The Eucharistic Banquet”, and “The Sacramental Meal”.]
  52. Explanation of the Sacraments, by St. Thomas Aquinas. Available on EWTN Library, as indexed on the St. Thomas Aquinas page of the Russian-language Medieval Philosophy Library.
  53. Explanation of the Ten Commandments, by St. Thomas Aquinas. Available on EWTN Library, as indexed on the St. Thomas Aquinas page of the Russian-language Medieval Philosophy Library.
  54. The Four Books of Sentences, by Master Peter Lombard, Archbishop of Paris, c.1100-c.1161 AD. Available at Franciscan Archive (index of Peter Lombard’s works): Latin-English texts of Book I, Book II (incomplete), and Book IV, Distinction 1 (incomplete).
  55. The Four Cardinal Virtues, Prudence Justice Fortitude Temperance, by Josef Pieper (Harcourt, Brace & World, Inc., 1955). LINK DELETED DUE TO COPYRIGHT CONCERNS.
  56. The Fundamentals of Catholic Dogma, by Dr. Ludwig Ott. May be read online at Catechetics Online. [N.B., The digitizing of the work still in progress; as of 13 March 2012 the text had been completed up to a part of Book III, Part 1, “The Doctrine of the Person of the Redeemer”]
  57. The Future Life: According to the Authority of Divine Revelation, the Dictates of Sound Reason, the General Consent of Mankind, by Joseph Casimir Sasia, 1843-1928 (New York, Cincinnati, Chicago: Benziger brothers, 1918). With Imprimatur. Available on Internet Archive and Open Library (Digitizing sponsor: MSN; Book contributor: Kelly Library, University of Toronto).
  58. The Glories of Divine Grace: a free rendering of the original treatise of P. Eusebius Nieremberg, S. J, by Matthias Joseph Scheeben, translated from the fourth revised German edition by a Benedictine Monk of St. Meinrad’s Abbey, Ind., with the consent of the author and the permission of the superior (New York, Cincinnati, St. Louis: Benziger Brothers; London: R. Washbourne; Dublin: M.H. Gill & Son, 1886). With Imprimatur for the original and approbation for the translation. Available at Open Library and Internet Archive.
  59. Grace: Commentary on the Summa Theologica of St. Thomas, Reginald Garrigou-Lagrange, O.P. Dogmatic theology, Soteriology. May be read online on [LINK(S) REMOVED motu proprio PENDING COPYRIGHT CHECK].
  60. A Handbook of Moral Theology, Volume I, by Antony Koch, adapted and edited by Arthur Preuss (St. Louis, Mo, London: B. Herder 1918). With Imprimatur. 1st of 5 volumes. Available in various formats at Internet Archive and Open Library.
  61. A Handbook of Moral Theology, Volume I, 3rd, revised edition, based on the “Lehrbuch der Moraltheologie” of the late Antony Koch, by Arthur Preuss (St. Louis, Mo, London: B. Herder 1925). With Imprimatur. 1st of 5 volumes. Available in various formats at Internet Archive.
  62. A Handbook of Moral Theology, Volume II: Sin and the Means of Grace, 3rd, revised edition, based on the “Lehrbuch der Moraltheologie” of the late Antony Koch, by Arthur Preuss (St. Louis, Mo, London: B. Herder 1928). With Imprimatur. 2nd of 5 volumes. Available in various formats at Internet Archive and
  63. A Handbook of Moral Theology, Volume III: Man’s Duties to Himself, 3rd, revised edition, based on the “Lehrbuch der Moraltheologie” of the late Antony Koch, by Arthur Preuss (St. Louis, Mo, London: B. Herder 1926). With Imprimatur. 3rd of 5 volumes. Available in various formats at Internet Archive.
  64. Holy Qurbono in the Syro-Malankara Church: A Liturgical Study, by Fr.Givergis Paniker Karichal, revised and edited by Rev. Dr. Thomas Paniker, P.G. (Trivandrum: SB Press, 1991). Includes “The Theological Significance of Epiclesis in the Malankara Qurbono”, by Rev. Dr. Thomas Paniker. With Imprimatur. Available at Internet Archive, which describes it as a “Liturgical and Theological Study of the Eucharist according to Malankara Church”.
  65. On the Incarnation of the Word, by St. Athanasius. Available at New Advent.
  66. Indulgences: Their Origin, Nature, and Development, by Alexius M. Lépicier (Alexis-Henri-Marie Cardinal Lépicier), (London : Kegan Paul, Trench, Trübner 1895). With approbation. Available at Open Library. And Internet Archive.
  67. The Inquisition: A Critical and Historical Study of the Coercive Power of the Church, by E. Vacandard, translated from the Second Edition by Bertrand L. Conway, C.S.P. New Edition (New York, London, Bombay, Calcutta, Madras: Longmans, Green, and Co., 1915). With Imprimatur. Available at and Project Gutenberg.
  68. The Last Things, by Abbé A. Michel, translated by the Rev. B. V. Miller, D.D. (London and Edinburgh: Sands & Co.; St. Louis, Mo.: B. Herder). With Imprimatur (1929). Available at Catholic Apologetics Information. [NB: Please approach other materials on the website with caution, as some have an extremely negative view of the Second Vatican Council, which must be corrected in light of Pope Benedict XVI’s hermeneutic of continuity.]
  69. Leisure The Basis Of Culture, by Joseph Pieper (1952). LINK DELETED DUE TO COPYRIGHT CONCERNS.
  70. Life Everlasting, by Reginald Garrigou-Lagrange, O.P. May be read online at [LINK(S) REMOVED motu proprio PENDING COPYRIGHT CHECK]
  71. A Manual of Ascetical Theology: or, The Supernatural Life of the Soul on Earth and in Heaven, by Arthur Devine (London; New York: R. & T. Washbourne, 1902). With Imprimatur. Available on Internet Archive and Open Library (Digitizing sponsor: MSN; Book contributor: Kelly Library, University of Toronto).
  72. A Manual of Catholic Theology; based on Scheeben’s “Dogmatik,” Volume 1, 4th ed., revised, by Joseph Wilhelm and Thomas Bartholomew Scannell, with a preface by Henry Edward Cardinal Manning (London: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trübner & Co.; New York, Cincinnati, Chicago: Benziger Bros., 1908). Based on the Dogmatik of Matthias Joseph Scheeben. Available at Internet Archive and Open Library [N.B., The Open Library index page incorrectly labels it as Volume 2.]
  73. A Manual of Catholic Theology; based on Scheeben’s “Dogmatik,” Volume 2, 3rd ed., revised, by Joseph Wilhelm and Thomas Bartholomew Scannell (London: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trübner & Co., 1908). Based on the Dogmatik of Matthias Joseph Scheeben. With Imprimatur. Available at Internet Archive.
  74. A Manual of Moral Theology for English-Speaking Countries, Volume I, 5th and revised edition, by Rev. Thomas Slater, S.J. (London: Burns, Oates & Washbourne, 1925) With Imprimatur. From microfilm. Available in various formats at Open Library and Internet Archive.
  75. A Manual of Moral Theology for English-Speaking Countries, Volume II, 3rd edition, by Rev. Thomas Slater, S.J., with notes on American legislation by Rev. Michael Martin (New York, Cincinnati, Chicago: Benziger Brothers, 1908). With Imprimatur. Available in various formats at Internet Archive and Open Library.
  76. The Method of Theology, by Eudoxe Irénée Edouard Mignot, Archbishop of Albi (London: Catholic Truth Society, 1902). Available at Internet Archive and Open Library [According to the translator, this was the address delivered by the Archbishop Mignot at the opening of the Institut Catholique or the Catholic University of Toulouse.]
  77. The Mind’s Road to God, by St. Bonaventure. May be downloaded in PDF format through the Saints’ Books index,
  78. Modernism, by Cardinal Mercier, Archbishop of Malines, translated from the French by Marian Lindsay (St Louis, Mo.: B Herder; London: Burns & Oates. 1912). May be read online at St Athanasius Press’s Traditional Catholic Library.
  79. Moral Philosophy: Ethics, Deontology and Natural Law, by Joseph Rickaby, S.J. (London: Longmans, Green & Co., 1918). Available at the Jacques Maritain Center.
  80. The mother of Christ: or, The Blessed Virgin Mary in Catholic tradition, theology, and devotion, by Oliver Rodie Vassall-Phillips (London: Burns, Oates & Washbourne, 1922). With Imprimatur. Available at Internet Archive (Digitizing sponsor: Boston Library Consortium Member Libraries, Book contributor: Wellesley College Library).
  81. Of God and His Creatures: An Annotated Translation (With some Abridgement) of the Summa Contra Gentiles of Saint Tho[ma]s Aquinas, by Joseph Rickaby (London: Burns and Oates, 1905). Available on Jacques Maritain Center.
  82. On God’s Existence, by St. Anselm (excerpts of his Proslogium); with How Someone Writing On Behalf Of The Fool Might Reply To All This, by Gaunilo, and Anselm’s Reply to Gaunilo. Available on this page of the Russian-language Medieval Philosophy Library.
  83. On the Unity of the Church, by St. Cyprian of Carthage. Available at New Advent.
  84. The Papal Sovereignty; Viewed in its Relations to the Catholic Religion, and to the Law of Europe, by Bishop Felix Antoine Philibart Dupanloup (London : Catholic Publishing & Bookselling company 1860). Available at Open Library and Internet Archive
  85. Patrology; the lives and works of the fathers of the church, by Otto Bardenhewer, Thomas Joseph Shahan (Freiburg im Breisgau, St. Louis, Mo., B. Herder1908). With Imprimatur and comments of approbation from various bishops. Available in multiple formats at Open Library and Internet Archive (Digitizing sponsor: MSN, Book contributor: University of California Libraries)
  86. Pope John Paul II’s Theology of the Body. A tract that summarizes the theology of the body with representative excerpts of the Pope’s lectures/addresses. Indexed on JP2Info.
  87. Predestination, by Reginald Garrigou-Lagrange. The text, while not yet completely digitized, is available a [LINK(S) REMOVED motu proprio PENDING COPYRIGHT CHECK].
  88. Proslogium and Monologium by St. Anselm of Canterbury. May be downloaded in PDF format through the Saints’ Books index,
  89. Proslogium, or Discourse on the Existence of God, by St. Anselm (c. 1078). Available on Medieval Sourcebook.
  90. Providence, by Reginald Garrigou-Lagrange, O.P. Available at [LINK(S) REMOVED motu proprio PENDING COPYRIGHT CHECK].
  91. The Purpose of the Papacy, by Bishop John S. Vaughan (London: Sands & Co.; St. Louis, Mo., U.S.A.: B. Herder, 1910). Available at Project Gutenberg.
  92. Reality: A Synthesis Of Thomistic Thought, by Reginald Garrigou-Lagrange, O.P. Available at [LINK(S) REMOVED motu proprio PENDING COPYRIGHT CHECK].
  93. Rome or Reason, A series of articles contributed to the North American review. Only complete and authorized ed. by Cardinal Manning and Col. Robert G. Ingersoll. Also the following articles: Is divorce wrong? A discussion. General introduction, Rev. S.W. Dike, LL.D. The Roman Catholic view, Cardinal Gibbons. An Episcopalian view, Bishop Henry C. Potter. An agnostic view, Col. Robert G. Ingersoll. (New York: C.P. Farrell, 1898). Available at Internet Archive and Open Library.
  94. Scholasticism, by Joseph Rickaby, SJ. Available at Internet Archive, 2nd copy, 3rd copy, 4th copy.
  95. The Son of God, by Karl Adam, translated by Philip Hereford (Doubleday, 1960) With Imprimatur. May be purchased at
  96. Sources of Catholic Dogma, translated from the Enchiridion symbolorum, definitionum et declarationum de rebus fidei et morum, first edited by Heinrich Joseph Dominicus Denzinger. Available on Catechetics Online and Catholic Fidelity. [N.B. According to Wikipedia, it incorporates documents to 1950 and uses old numbering only.] The Latin text is available on Bibliotheque Catholicque en ligne (Catholic Library Online).
  97. The Spirit of Catholicism, by Karl Adam, translated by Dom Justin McCann, O.S.B. The ebook may be purchased at com(Papamoa Press 2017) and (Papamoa Press, 2017), and Barnes & Noble. The printed book be purchased on this page of the Catholic Answers Shop(Catholic Answers Press), on this page of St. George Books & Giftson this page of Ignatius Press (2016), on this page of the Ave Maria University Store (Angelico Press); and at (Kessinger Publishing, 2010), (Angelico Press, 2012), Barnes & Noble (CreateSpace Publishing, 2016), and (Image, 1960).
  98. St. Thomas Aquinas and Medieval Philosophy, by D.J. Kennedy, O.P. (New York: The Encyclopedia Press, Inc., 1919). Available at the Jacques Maritain Center.
  99. The temporal mission of the Holy Ghost: or, Reason and revelation, by Cardinal Manning, Henry Edward, 1808-1892 (1865). Available at Internet Archive (Digitizing sponsor: National Institute for Newman Studies, Book contributor: Saint Mary’s College of California).
  100. The Theological Tractates and the Consolation of Philosophy, by Boethius, the Tractates translated by H.F. Stewart, D.D. and E.K. Rand, Ph.D. [who also wrote an excellent Introduction], and the Consolation translated in 1609 by “I.T.” and revised by H.F. Stewart (1918). Available at and Project Gutenberg. The Tractates included are: The Trinity is one God not three Gods; Whether Father, Son, and Holy Spirit may be substantially predicated of the Divinity; From the same to the same, how substances can be good in virtue of their existence without being absolute goods; On the Catholic Faith; A Treatise against Eutyches and Nestorius.
  101. Die Theologische Bedeutung der Epiklese in der syro-antiochenischen bzw. malankarischen Liturgie, von P.G. Thomas Paniker (Wurzburg: Augustinus-Verlag, 1993). Available at Internet Archive. [N.B., The index page states that it was translated into German by Prof. Dr. John Madey. The text in English, “The Theological Significance of Epiclesis in the Malankara Qurbono”, is available as appendix II on page 83 of Holy Qurbono in the Syro-Malankara Church: A Liturgical Study, by Fr.Givergis Paniker Karichal, available at Internet Archive.]
  102. A Tour of the Summa, by Monsignor Paul J. Glenn. May be read online at [LINK(S) REMOVED motu proprio PENDING COPYRIGHT CHECK] Described thus at Marian Land: “This unique synopsis of the Summa Theologica is a complete, chapter-by-chapter restatement of St. Thomas’ work, intended to expose readers to the totality of St. Thomas’ thought and yet be brief enough to fit into one volume.”
  103. The Tradition of the Syriac Church of Antioch, Concerning the Primacy and the Prerogatives of St. Peter and of his Successors the Roman Pontiffs, by the Most Rev. Cyril Benham Benni, Syriac Archbishop of Mossul (Nineveh), translated under the direction of the author by Joseph Gagliardi  (London: Burns, Oates, & Co., 1871). Available in various formats at Internet Archive and Open Library, with a second copy at Internet Archive and Open Library.
  104. A Treatise on the Church, by Heinrich Klee, translated by Edward Cox (London: T. Jones, 1847). Available in various formats at Internet Archive and Open Library.
  105. The Trinity and God the Creator, Reginald Garrigou-Lagrange, O.P. Dogma. May be read online on [LINK(S) REMOVED motu proprio PENDING COPYRIGHT CHECK].
  106. Two essays by Karl Adam: Christ and the Western mind; Love and Belief, translated by Edward Bullough (New York: Macmillan Company, 1930) With Imprimatur. LINKS DELETED DUE TO COPYRIGHT CONCERNS. [N.B., The OL index page incorrectly states the publication date to be 1997.]

3 thoughts on “Theology”

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    Another format can be found in the theology section here:

    Johann Adam Mohler’s classic work SYMBOLISM can be found here:

    MARY IN THE EPISTLE by Thomas Livius:

    THE DIVINE MOTHERHOOD by Anscar Vonier:


    THE TEACHINGS OF THE CATHOLIC CHURCH A SUMMARY OF CATHOLIC DOCTRINE, Vol 2. By George D Smith. For some reason volume 1 doesn’t seem to be available online.

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