List of Free eBooks (Arranged by Title)

The following are alphabetical lists of faithful Catholic Christian eBooks that are available online for reading or downloading, legally and for free, either because they are now in the public domain or because they were uploaded or published online by their lawful copyright holders:

You may also visit the List of Free eBooks (Grouped by Subject), the List of Worth-It Catholic Books & eBooks (which indexes links to for-sale books and ebooks), and the blog page of the Catholic eBooks Project (where links to ebooks and other materials are posted on feasts of the Church or other relevant occasions).

[Update: This page was reconstructed 26 August 2019 from the former arrangement, in which all texts (numbering about 1800) were listed on one page, leading to lagging loading times. We have thus far divided the said 1800 texts into 3 pages of about 600 texts each. Said reconstruction is still ongoing, so please bear with the changes, and please link to this main index page and not the sub-index pages to avoid dead links.]

46 thoughts on “List of Free eBooks (Arranged by Title)”

  1. Thank you for publishing this list. I’m always looking for good Catholic books to read, and you have provided many for my consideration. Outstanding!

  2. Nicely written article, very helpful.

  3. FYI, No. 494 (General Instruction of the Roman Missal) refers the reader to the EWTN Library which, in turn, links to the USCCB site. That second link, however, results in a “Page not Found” message.

    GIRM may now be found at

  4. Great site!
    You have a great message thanks for sharing it with us.
    Please visit us at
    Please notify us of updates,
    God bless.

  5. Great list. Thanks to you, I got a lot of useful books to deepen my faith. However, if I may suggest an improvement to your list, I wish you could categorize the list, such as: Apologetics, Vatican Documents, Catholic Novels, Canon Law, (Auto)Biography, etc., so we could find the books we’re looking for faster. Browsing through 1315 books is not an easy thing to do. But bravo for the wonderful work! God Bless!

  6. Thank you for your link to St. Anne’s Helper. We’ve just changed our domain name to

    Use our contact form (‘Sorry I could not find yours.) which goes to our email. Again, thank you.

    Mrs. Mary Fifer

  7. Hi! May I ask you to contact us through our website?

    A holy Lent to you and all,


  8. Thanks for the arragement. Nice work. Wanted to download some but weren’t able to.

    There is the text of the “Introduction of the devout life” from Franz von Sales, in German. Not for download, but free to read on the internet.

  10. I have a new book out titled “My Intimacy with God, A Companion’s Journey” that is available for free download.

  11. 97: Biblia Clerus: Revised Standard Version (1966) with Concordance

    This file is infected with 6 viruses. Proof in link below:

    Please be careful everyone.

  12. This is a very wonderful job: beautiful vision, even more beautiful execution. Many blessings!

  13. I just discovered this website! what i fantastic job! God bless you.

  14. Grateful for providing such list! Wonderful work…for God’s glorification!
    Truth would make free

  15. Thanks for this great list.

    For No.1 101 Questions about the Catholic Mass the right link is:

    Click to access 101_Questions_About%20_The%20_Mass.pdf

    God bless!

  16. Thanks very much for taking a great amount of time, efforts and perseverance in making this blog/website with all the Catholic Books. Frankly, if I wanted to search the same I would have a hard time but now they are all listed and linked. God bless you and yours and all who are involved in this project . I have posted about the same on LinkedIn and Facebook and over 10,000 people will now know about this wonderful site . Keep up the great and noble work . Prayed for you and your team

  17. Hi do you have a book title Catholic hand book for deliverance prayers by fr Jose Francisco

  18. I feel great reading those books

  19. Thank you for much for your labour of Love! Is there a list for kids? Elementary age?

  20. Thanks very much ! Very useful work.
    God bless you

  21. Thank you so much and God bless you more!!!

  22. Can someone send a bible alive for next month please

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